Bringing the Message to the Original Messengers
The Bible tells us that ‘the Gospel…is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16), and gives priority to Jewish evangelism within the broader context of Yeshua’s command to preach the Gospel to all peoples. This course is an introductory course on Jewish evangelism. The student will learn principles that govern our evangelistic efforts towards Jewish people, be introduced to Jewish cultural and religious distinctives, be guided on how to share the Gospel with Jewish people and receive an introduction to answering Jewish objections. Join us to ‘Bring the Message to the Original Messengers!’
This course is taught by Lawrence Hirsch, Executive Director of Celebrate Messiah and Rabbi of Beit HaMashiach Messianic Congregation in Melbourne.
This course was originally taught on Zoom with sessions recorded.
5 Play on Demand Video Lectures
Unlimited Access & Plays
Cost: $40 standard / $35 concession
Teacher: Lawrence Hirsch.
Important Notes
Upon enrolment, the student will receive access to the course page on Moodle.
Course Instructor
Lawrence Hirsch has been serving the Messiah among Jewish people since 1990. Lawrence and his wife Louise are the Co-Founders of Celebrate Messiah Australia and Lawrence works as the Executive Director of Celebrate Messiah Australia.
Lawrence has been involved in planting several messianic congregations and has had the privilege of leading many Jewish people to faith in Messiah. Lawrence is actively involved in mission work in Israel, Russia, New Zealand and South Africa.
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