Jewish Context of the Bible Presentations

Our Jewish Context presentations explain the Jewish background to the Scriptures and the Promised Messiah, Jesus.
Click on the titles below to learn more about each presentation.

This presentation gives insight into some of the most pivotal messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. We explain how these ancient prophecies are all uniquely fulfilled through the life and ministry of Jesus, proving that he is the promised Jewish Messiah and the Saviour of the whole world.

Duration: 30min

This presentation examines the relationship between the Church and the Jewish people through the message of the Apostle Paul in Romans 9 –11. It highlights God’s everlasting faithfulness to His covenant people, and helps believers understand the biblical basis for Jewish evangelism. It also equips the believer with the practical guidance and skills needed to share the Gospel with a Jewish friend.

Duration: 30min

This sermon explores the foundational truths of God’s covenant with Israel. It looks at the calling of Abraham, the choosing of the Land, and God’s plan of salvation for the world involving the nations and Israel. The title comes from Jeremiah 31:35-37. This presentation furnishes Christians with a biblical perspective about Israel and the Middle East, and helps interpret current events.

Duration: 30min

This is a clear and informative exposition of the Apostle Paul’s teaching on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith in Romans 9 –11. This is an important message for the Church today as Paul strongly admonishes the Church to remember that”you do not support the root, but the root supports you” (Romans 11:18)

Duration: 30min

Why did the woman who had a long-term illness push through the crowds to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment? This informative presentation delves into the biblical background of the meaning of the tzitziot (tassels) of the garments worn by Jewish men, and challenges the believer to a deeper walk of faith, and a realisation of the power of God in our lives

Duration: 30min

This message explores the unique relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the body of Messiah as described by the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 2:11-22). It highlights the redeeming work of Jesus in making Jews and Gentiles one in Him, with the dividing wall of hostility broken down. It is a message about the peace and unity God has brought to Jews and Gentiles, through faith in Jesus the Messiah.

Duration: 30min

One of the two prayers in the Bible written by God Himself (see The Power of the Priestly Blessing), this presentation expounds on the Jewish background of the most well-known Christian prayer, the prayer that Jesus the Messiah taught his disciples to pray – the Lord’s Prayer – and explores the application of the prayer for believers in Jesus today. This presentation can be given as part of a series with the presentation The Power of the Priestly Blessing.

Duration: 30min

This presentation explores the meaning and application of one of the most majestic prayers in the Bible, the prayer God gave to Aaron to bless the children of Israel, also known as the Aaronic Benediction. Its majestic rhythm, centred on the Name of God, has endeared itself to the hearts of believers for thousands of years and has played a central role in Jewish and Christian liturgy. One of the two prayers in the Bible written by God Himself (see The Jewishness of the Lord’s Prayer), it explains how the blessing was used in the Bible and in Jewish tradition.

Duration: 30min

Jesus the Jewish Rabbi explores the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua), his didactic methods, his power and authority and his call to discipleship. It will help Christians understand Jesus from a Jewish perspective, exploring the original context of the Gospels and encouraging active discipleship.

Duration: 30min

This message explores Jesus’ teaching about the most important commandment: To ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 22:37–40). This message will expound the meaning of the most important Jewish prayer, the “Shema” (from Deuteronomy 6:4-5), revealing the key to powerful and dynamic discipleship.

Duration: 30min

Isaiah Chapter 53 contains the most heart-wrenching Messianic prophecy in the Bible, declaring that Israel’s anointed Saviour would suffer and die ‘bearing the sin of many’ (Isaiah 53:12). Written 700 years before Jesus’ birth, Isaiah prophesied in confronting detail the manner of Jesus’ death and the reason He had to die. This presentation explores the themes of Messianic suffering and sacrifice, and invites us to explore its power for Messianic ministry and evangelism.