Bringing Understanding to the Book of Revelation
Course Description
Would you like to know more about what the Bible says about “End Time Prophecies” and eschatology? Everyone is talking about it at the moment but let’s be biblically informed from a messianic Jewish perspective.
Bringing Understanding to the Book of Revelation provides an in-depth overview of the Book of Revelation. Revelation is a challenging book to read and understand, so it is often ignored. As we move through the book, we study eschatology or the End Times, and examine what the entire Bible teaches about the future of Israel and the future of the world. It is our hope that this course will broaden your understanding of the Book of Revelation, and give you an understanding of how to interpret End Time Prophecies, specifically what the Revelation reveals about the Messiah and His coming kingdom.
This course was originally taught on Zoom with sessions recorded.
8 Play on Demand Video Lectures
Unlimited Access & Plays
Cost: $40 standard / $35 concession
Teacher: Paul Cohen
Important Notes
- Upon purchase, the student will receive access to the course page on Moodle.
Course Instructor
The course will be taught by Paul Cohen. Paul is an experienced biblical studies teacher who has worked with a variety of evangelical missions to the Jewish people in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Paul’s teaching brings a richness and depth to the study of the Bible, drawing on the Jewish background of the Scriptures and shedding light on less well-known books and topics. He is a knowledgeable, gracious and patient teacher who always remains faithful to the Word and his teaching points to Yeshua. Paul teaches at the Western Sydney Bible School and works with the ministry of Celebrate Messiah in Sydney, Australia.
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