The Reliability of the Scriptures: A Historical and Archaeological Survey
Course Description:
This course aims to present the reliability of the Bible by considering the historicity of the narratives, the archaeological evidence that supports the biblical narratives, and the fidelity in the transmission of the texts.
The beliefs of Messianic Jews and Christians, in general, are based on the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the New Covenant (Brit Hadasha). Therefore, it is paramount to have general knowledge of the principles of this belief based on biblical and external evidence arising from archaeological findings. This course will discuss the principles of Biblical Archaeology and its application to biblical studies and will equip the student with a better understanding of the reliability of the Scriptures and confidence in speaking about this to others.
Likewise, to understand the New Testament, there has to be an understanding of the Intertestamental Period. Therefore, there will be a study of the birth and development of Judaism during the Intertestamental Period, from the end of Malachi to the beginning of the ministry of John, the forerunner of the Messiah, a period of 400 years.
This course was originally taught on Zoom with sessions recorded.
8 Play on Demand Video Lectures
Unlimited Access & Plays
Cost: $40 full fare / $35 concession
Teacher: David Sedaca
Important Notes
- Upon purchase, the student will receive access to the course page on Moodle.
Course Instructor
This course is taught by Professor David Sedaca. He is presently Vice President of Chosen People Ministries. He is currently “The Tim and Jeri Erdman Permanent Visiting Scholar” and Professor of Archaeology and Biblical Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in the Rothberg International School’s Moriah International Center. He was also past President of the Union of American Messianic Jewish Believers.
He received his BA “Summa Cum Laude” in Psychology from Harvard University, as well as Biola University and the Baptist Theological Seminary in Buenos Aires. He later studied Judaism in New York and continued rabbinical studies at the School of Middle East Studies of the University of Belgrano.
Until 2000, he was the Senior Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia. He served as Director and Homiletics professor of the Graduate School of the Bible Training Center for Pastors in Virginia. He has also been the Messianic Rabbi of three congregations.
He served as Canadian and Latin American Director for Chosen People Ministries. He is a member of the Board of Directors of several missionary organizations, Bible Institutes, seminaries, and Christian organizations in the US, Canada, England, Latin America and Israel.
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