Paul Cohen / Sydney

Paul Cohen

Paul Cohen was born in the Netherlands in 1963. After finishing High School in 1983 he went to live in Israel and spent a brief period in a Yeshiva (Jewish Theological College) in Jerusalem. Paul met his wife Sue in Israel and later immigrated to Australia where Sue had grown up. Sue became a believer in Yeshua (Jesus) in 1984 and was instrumental in Paul becoming a believer in February 1987. He has attended various Bible Schools and since 1992 Paul volunteered or worked for several prominent ministries to the Jewish people. He has a heart to see his people know the love and grace of their true Messiah and desire to share the Biblical stories from a Jewish perspective.

Paul and Sue were the founders of Brit Chadashah (the Celebrate Messiah Congregation in Sydney) in 2013, which Paul led for 10 years, today known as Beit Shalom. Paul gives lectures in Biblical theology and Jewish studies at the Western Sydney Bible School, and gives online courses at the Messianic Training Centre. You can invite him to speak at your church or organisation.

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