Update from Israel: David and Victoria
David and Victoria are outreach workers with Chosen People Ministries. You can support their ministry in Israel here. You can help us support Israel during this wartime here.
Day 9 of the war
Before I entered the ministry, I served in the special forces of the Israel Police for eight years. Today, we dedicated the entire day to serving the police officers who defend our country. It was truly remarkable to be with them. Sensei Isaac Uchiyama shared that there are people in Japan who love the God of Israel and the people of Israel. We showed them videos of the demonstrations in Tokyo supporting Israel. Our visit greatly encouraged them.
Then we met Keren, a young girl who was visiting the Beit Samurai CPM Japan center in Tokyo. Due to the war, she has been called up for reservist service in the IDF. We sat down for coffee, and it was clear that our conversation and prayers had brought a smile to her face. We also introduced Keren to Naomi, a Messianic believer who works not far from the place where Keren is serving.
Please keep the police officers we spoke with today and Keren in your prayers, so that the seed of the Gospel may bear fruit in their lives. Also, please pray that the Lord will use Naomi to support Keren during this challenging time for our country.
When we were on our way back home to Tel Aviv, one of the officers called and said, “Thank you again, thank you to the believers in Japan for their support.” Thank you, our friends, for your love and support.
10th day of the war
We dedicated this day to the families who were evacuated from the territory bordering Gaza. We brought food, hygiene supplies, and toys to Sapir, a communal settlement in southern Israel. By the government’s order, 2,500 people, including 650 children, were resettled there. They were overjoyed to see us, and their stories deeply touched our hearts, especially the stories of the children. These people survived, but the horrors they experienced have left profound wounds in their hearts. Many of their relatives are held by terrorists in Gaza, and many have lost loved ones.
The young man standing next to Isaac Uchiyama is from Kibbutz Nir Am, located 2 km from Gaza. He shared a story about his friend, a former soldier who bravely defended against swarms of Hamas terrorists and is hailed as a hero of the kibbutz.
In collaboration with the Messianic Congregation “Tiferet Yeshua” from Tel-Aviv, we delivered supplies and toys worth 10,000 shekels (equivalent to 375,000 Japanese yen) to the 2,500 evacuees from the attacked communities. However, there are still many more needs. The needs are not only material but also spiritual. Please pray that the hearts of these people will be healed by the love of our Lord.
You can read the full account of this hero here:https://www.bbc.com/news/
In the love of Yeshua the Messiah,
David and Victoria