News Brief
Curiosity prompts a divine drop in
Two Jewish ladies were walking past Beit HaMashiach Messianic Congregation on the Shabbat of Sukkot and Linda, visiting from Scotland, was so curious to ask if they could look at our sukkah, a specially constructed booth representing the temporary shelter from the command in Leviticus 23:42. She asked who we were, and said she had just celebrated all the High Holy Day festivals at different locations around the world. Several of us explained we’d had an encounter with Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, and she asked many questions, about what we believed and why. Please pray that Linda will continue her inquiries into the person of Yeshua.
Facebook friend accepts study request
The way Yeshua is reaching young millennial Jews today, is sometimes unique, and unexpected. After many months of friendship between a young Jewish staff member of Celebrate Messiah, Moshe, and an open minded young Jewish man, David*, the conversation gravitated more and more towards Judaism, the Messiah and Yeshua. Both Moshe and David are part of a Jewish facebook group in which Judaism is discussed. David commented to Moshe that “The one thing that speaks for Yeshua is how much mainstream Judaism and mainstream society loathe and hate him. Yeshua scored a lot of points with me when “Google Home Alexa” called him a fictional character.” Moshe invited David to a regular weekly bible study, and he accepted. Please pray that David will have is eyes opened as they study the bible together, and that he would come to know and receive Yeshua.
Filled with peace in wait for dentist
Everyday opportunities are all around us to share Messiah. A NSW Celebrate Messiah staff member was waiting for their turn in the dentist office. The person seated next to them started to share how nervous they always were at the dentist, and asked what she did to cope. “I shared how trusting in Yeshua as my Messiah brings me peace. We had a really good discussion including looking at Isaiah 53 together. They accepted a copy of the Isaiah 53 Explained book just as I was called into the dentist!”
Sowing the seeds of content for Israeli
During their time in Israel, Robert and Elly were able to catch up with five of the Israeli backpackers who had come through Canberra. They stayed with Yonit* and her family, and had a wonderful time with them. Yonit shared that after she had visited Australia she had taken an elective on Christianity, and that she would like to read a Brit Chadasha (New Testament). They were able to get her a Hebrew/English version so that she could read in both. She was very thankful. “Most of the time we only sow the seeds, said Robert, “It is wonderful when we get to water as well; we are praying that her whole family would come to Yeshua.”
Coffee stimulates call to repentance
Rita met three Jewish Russian speaking ladies she’d known for more than 30 years and they had never invited her to have a coffee with them. But this day was different, and Rita knew that God was about to do something. She shared about coming to faith in Yeshua, and that her husband had also become a believer. She showed them a photo of them conducting a Passover presentation, and they were all amazed. She then asked those three ladies if they wanted to receive Yeshua as their Lord and Saviour and miraculously they all said “yes”, without any hesitation. “The four of us held hands and they repeated after me a prayer inviting Yeshua into their lives.” They asked Rita if they could meet up every Monday to have fellowship, and would also like a Bible, and to learn how to pray.
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