A timely opportunity as we draw nearer to Messiah’s return…
We are very excited that Lawrence Hirsch is coming to Tasmania in April 2023, and we would like to invite you to one of his Seder presentations for Passover.
Lawrence Hirsch is the executive director of Celebrate Messiah which includes a key ministry to serve the Church by offering presentations explaining the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. He is also the Rabbi of Beit HaMashiach Messianic Congregation.
Lawrence’s Tasmanian tour begins in Devonport on Good Friday 7 April 2023, which coincides this year with the second day of Passover. He will then be in the North/North-West over the weekend 7-9 April, and plans to head South to Hobart and surrounds for the following weekend of the 15-16 April.
- Friday 7 April, 6pm
Oldaker Christian Church Devonport
Devonport TAS
Messiah in the Passover Banquet (booking with the church essential)
- Sunday 9 April, 10.30am
Eastside Bible Chapel Devonport
East Devonport TAS
Messiah in the Passover Presentation
- Tuesday 11 April, 6.30pm
Sheffield District Baptist Church
Messiah in the Passover Banquet (booking with the church essential)
- Saturday 15 April, 11am
Launceston Seventh Day Adventist
South Launceston TAS
Messiah in the Passover Presentation
- Saturday 15 April 15, 7pm
Hobart City Church of Christ
Hobart TAS
Messiah in the Passover Presentation
- Sunday 16 April, 10am
Hope Christian Centre North Hobart
North Hobart TAS
Messiah in the Passover Presentation
- Sunday 16 April, 2pm
Kingborough Family Church Kingston
Huntingfield TAS
Prayer for Israel Group
- Monday 17 April, 7pm
Kingborough Family Church
Huntingfield TAS
Sharing from the Word, and about Celebrate Messiah
For enquiries regarding Lawrence’s presentations and time in Tasmania, please contact [email protected]