Dear friend in the Messiah,
As you might know, we have a beautiful center in Jerusalem and a new facility in the greater Tel Aviv area. Our Isaiah 53 Hebrew campaign continues and we are expanding it to Russian Jews living in Israel. Once the Russian campaign gets going in Israel, we know many more Jewish people from the former Soviet Union will show an interest in the Gospel.
I also cannot tell you how delighted I am to see a second-generation movement of Israeli young people serving Jesus! In fact, one of the reasons I was in Israel recently was to participate in our Living Waters mentoring seminars where we are investing time, energy, and finances in training this new generation of young Israeli believers to serve the Lord as leaders in Israel.
Our vision for the future and mandate for the present hinges upon Romans 9-11. First of all, the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1:16 that Israel should be prioritized for Gospel proclamation during this age, in keeping with God’s covenant promises made with the patriarchs (Romans 11:28-29).
This leads me to four particular goals I envision for the work of Chosen People Ministries.
- To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to the Jewish people
- To find called and capable staff and train and equip them for this task
- To a build prayer and support base within the church
- To discover new strategies and methods that will enable us to accomplish the three aforementioned goals
We are only able to continue these ministries because of your generous support and fervent prayers. If the Lord lays it upon your heart to contribute towards Your Mission to the Jewish People today, we would be so grateful. Your support and contributions allow us to step out into the next frontier and reach Jewish people with the Gospel with all the more gusto, using young leaders, current technology, and social media.
Thank you again for your faithful support and prayers on behalf of Chosen People Ministries!
Blessings to you,
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We are only able to continue these ministries because of your generous support and fervent prayers.