As we recently celebrated Mothers’ Day, it would seem appropriate to reflect on the impact of mothers in the Bible. Although there are not as many women as main characters in the Bible as there are men, women play important roles in the Scriptures.
It is customary, on the Shabbat (Sabbath) evening, that the father of the house will bless his daughters specifically to be like the Matriarchs of Judaism: Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca, and Leah (remember the scene from Fiddler on the Roof ?). This tradition has gone on for generations. Why do we bless our daughters to be like the Matriarchs of the faith? Mainly because these were the mothers of great men – the men who would set the tone for the Jewish people, and these men had to obey the Lord. And where do you think the men gained the abilities to do the great things the Bible tells of them? From their mothers, of course!
Can you recall how many times you find yourself appreciating something your mom taught you? Or how many times to you say something to a small child and you realize it is a value or lesson that was instilled in you by your mother? This happens to me all the time. I appreciate my mom in so many ways; some are trivial and others are more important. I learned about true faith demonstrated in prayer from my mom. Sometimes I am too analytical in my understanding of the Lord and try to over-analyze God, His care of me, and what is really “ok” to ask of Him – but my mom doesn’t have those limitations in her faith and prayer life, and I try to follow her example. Now I talk to God with less inhibitions and sincerely ask the seemingly impossible or apparently trivial because I have learned that, to God, they are not trivial or impossible. The more I talk with Him, the closer we get, and the better I know His voice.
Can you imagine what the mothers of Isaac, Jacob and Esau said to them? These women knew that God had made great promises to their family, that He would bless them with Land, Seed and Blessing (Genesis 12). He reiterated these promises to each of the sons. These mothers were raising children who would be the leaders of the faith of God’s chosen people. They would be the great-great-great-etc-grandmothers of the King of Kings!
Where would we be without mothers? God bless our mothers, wherever they might be and whatever they might be doing.
Psalm 113:9 – He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.
Genesis 20:12 – Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Contributed by Ryan K.