March 2016
Five Chinese Jewish Ladies Make Aliyah
There are between 500-1,000 Chinese Jews in the Kaifeng area of China and five women have recently been allowed to make Aliyah, returning to Israel. This Jewish community was established in the 8th or 9th century through the trade routes frequented by Iraqi and Persian Jews. In the 12th century a large and beautiful synagogue was built, but assimilation and intermarriage brought many changes. These Chinese Jewish women are very thrilled to come “home” and have been studying Hebrew and preparing for their new lives in the Land.
Please pray for those in other scattered Jewish communities to be able to return to the Land.
Israel Ranked Eighth Most Powerful Country
Israel has recently been ranked the eighth most powerful country in the world. The others (in order) are the United States, Russia, China, Germany, Britain, France and Japan. The rankings were based on power, citizenship, quality of life, heritage, cultural influences, entrepreneurship and business. Israel’s best category was in “power” – through it’s military, international influence and alliances.
Please pray for Israel’s continued influence and military ranking, as it defends itself against aggressors both near and far.
Medals for Those Who Sacrificed Their Lives
Medals of valor will be handed out to the families of those citizens who gave up their lives to protect and defend others during the recent wave of terror. These medals of valor are meant to do something positive for the families of the slain and strengthen the unity and spirit of the people. Many times these citizens would run, unarmed, to the terrorist and try to take their weapon, knock them down, hit them, etc. They save others, but sacrifice themselves.
Please pray for the bereaved families of those who have died during the current wave of terror.
Officers Graduate From Training Course
Recently 360 officers graduated from a grueling eight-month officer’s course. Twenty of these officers were women. These women will be officers in combat and surveillance units. They said they never received special treatment and had to follow the same training and rules as the men, as well as serve three years instead of two as most women do. Women have been allowed in combat, air force and infantry for many years in Israel.
Please pray for these officers who will be leading and molding the troops under them in and off the field.
Magen David Adom Receives Large Donation
Magen David Adom, Israel’s Red Cross, just received it’s largest donation ever – $25 million dollars. They plan to use the funds to build a new blood supply and screening center. The center will house Israel’s blood supply and will be better protected than other blood centers around the country. It will have ventilation systems to counter chemical attacks, fortified walls for rocket attacks and modern laboratories and blood processing units.
Praise God for such an opportunity for Israel to house and protect its blood supply for now and the future.
Vice President Biden Visiting Israel
Vice President Biden was a mile away from a recent terrorist attack on Jaffa’s boardwalk. His family was eating dinner nearby. Biden expressed great sympathy and wanted to know the names of the victims and how they were healing. An American tourist was killed while the 22-year-old terrorist ran along the boardwalk, stabbing whomever he came across. Biden said these attacks are unacceptable and reconfirmed his support of Israel.
Prayer for Israeli Staff
Please pray for Chosen People Ministries’ staff in Israel as many are visiting churches in the United States and sharing about the Passover. This is a unique ministry in itself! We cherish the opportunities to take a little piece of Israel to U.S. churches and to raise up more prayer warriors and those who want to stand with Israel and confirm their support for God’s chosen people.