April 2016
The Last Jews of Yemen
Recently, the Jewish Agency held a covert operation to fly out 17 Yemeni Jews who wanted to move to Israel. These Jews lived amongst their Muslim friends and neighbors, but life was getting increasingly hard for them. Their rabbi came with them, bringing their 600-year-old Torah scroll. There are still 40-50 Jews in Yemen who were not so involved in the Jewish community and did not want to come to Israel. Read more…
Please pray for this small group to integrate quickly into Israeli society as they start their new life in Israel.
No More Free Plastic Bags
Following much of the world, Israel passed a law banning free plastic bags given at every vegetable stand, grocery store, and multi-purpose store. Starting in 2017, bags will be available only for a charge. It is estimated that each Israeli uses 274 bags per person per year, a huge amount. These bags have created an enormous environmental problem, and Israel is hoping to help the planet a little this way. Read more…
Please for our planet, that we may learn better ways to clean it up, protect it and make our living conditions all the cleaner!
Renewed Peace Talks?
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has told Israeli news channels that he is open and ready to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The peace talks have been stalled for two years now amidst violence from the Palestinians. Abbas claims that they check Palestinians schools for knives and other weapons and recently found 70 knives among its students. Abbas spoke to the teenagers saying he does not want them to die or to cause people on the other side to die. In the meantime, Netanyahu has said that he has cleared his schedule and is waiting for Abbas’ call for their meeting. Read more…
Please pray for these two leaders, who carry immense burdens. Please pray that they might meet, and the current wave of violence would be stopped. Please pray for those conversations.
Iron Dome Celebrating Fifth Year
Israel is celebrating the 5th year of the Iron Dome missile defense system’s first interception. Since then, it has intercepted more than 1,000 enemy rockets intended for Israeli civilian areas from over 8,000 launches. It has a 90% success rate. Israel has ten Iron Dome batteries, scattered throughout the country. Read more…
Please pray for the Iron Dome’s continued success in securing peace and safety for Israelis against rockets sent to hurt and destroy.
Treating Syria’s Wounded
From the start of Syria’s civil war, Israel has agreed that any person who reaches Israel’s borders will be treated of their wounds or sicknesses. Israel has treated hundreds of such cases. A five-year-old girl was recently taken to a Haifa hospital to be treated for gunshot wounds she received after being caught in the crossfire. While there, doctors discovered she had cancer and needed a bone marrow transplant. Israeli secret service took unprecedented measures and found a donor relative in a neighboring enemy state. They smuggled out the donor, and both are now receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals. Read more…
Please pray for the girl, and many like her, who are receiving life-saving treatment in Israeli hospitals.
Fewer Terror Attacks
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said recently that through the help of Shin Bet (Israeli Secret Service), local police, military and Palestinian security services, there has been a significant drop in terror threats and attacks. Both offensive and defensive actions have increased dramatically, showing the Palestinian “lone wolf” attackers that their efforts are hopeless. There were only 20 significant attacks in March, three so far in April compared to 78 in October. Twenty-nine Israelis and four foreign nationals have been killed, and 250 Israelis have been wounded. Israelis are being more vigilant to look out for possible attacks in crowded places and at busy travel junctions. Read more…
Please pray for those who have been injured to recover from their wounds as well to pray for the families who have lost
loved ones.
Weapons Cache Found
In an operation culminating after months of investigations, massive weapons caches were found in two Israeli Arab villages. Twenty-seven people were arrested, 200 weapons were seized, and this particular ring of gun smuggling and dealing has come to an end. M-16 and AK 47 assault rifles were taken as well as submachine guns, hand pistols and large amounts of ammunition. Read more…
Please pray that other such planning for violence and killing would be found and stopped.
Passover Is Almost Here
Chosen People Ministries in Israel will be hosting many Passover Seders around the country with new friends and old, as everyone gathers around family and event seders. Please pray for this time of Passover as the message of the Messiah is clear and strong. Pray that they will have open ears and eyes to see Jesus as our Passover Lamb! It is a special time of year in Israel. Please pray for Israel’s safety, security and those who protect us.