What is the most effective way to witness to Jewish people? Being aware of the issues that may create resistance is essential. Jewish people have reason to be wary of a Christian environment, and many Jewish people have ambivalent feelings about Jesus. However, these factors need not deter us from seeking to carry out the biblical mandate to bring the Gospel to the Jewish people.
Jewish evangelism challenges us to be articulate, effective witnesses. To reach Jewish people, we must be ready to help them overcome some obstacles. The single greatest difficulty that many Jewish people face is thinking that one cannot be Jewish and believe in Jesus. Jewish identity is a precious heritage, and few Jewish people would consider any teaching or faith that required them to abandon it.
How We Can Help
Chosen People Ministries wants to help you witness to your Jewish friend. We have an online catalog of materials to equip you. We have missionaries in different parts of the world who can visit your Jewish friend, or we can refer you to local believers or congregations.
Our web page also has a section where interested Jewish people can find out more about believing in Jesus. Please let us help you however we can.
Be encouraged! Jewish people are accepting the Gospel. Serve the Lord faithfully in your witness, and He will bring forth the fruit!
If your friend becomes a believer, be sure to help him or her grow in faith through Bible reading and prayer. Help your friend find a local group of believers where he or she can feel comfortable and grow in the grace of the Lord.
We would like to offer you How to Introduce Your Jewish Friends to the Messiah, an excellent guide to sharing the Gospel in an appropriate and effective way. To ask for your copy, call 1-888-2-YESHUA.
Practical Tips
- Ask questions. This will get the ball rolling. Affirm your friend’s Jewish identity. Avoid Christian terminology when possible, because your Jewish friend may not understand what you mean.
- Use your own life and testimony.
- Become knowledgeable about Jewish holidays. Your Jewish friend will be intrigued that your belief in Jesus gives you an appreciation of the Jewish heritage of Christianity.
- Look for an area of need in his or her life. Do not use the friendship as a means to an end. People see through that rather quickly. Remember it is God “who gives the increase.”
- Get your church involved in sponsoring “Jewish Roots” events and speakers, then invite your Jewish friend to them.
- Get to know a Jewish believer and introduce your Jewish friend to him or her.
- Present the Gospel from the Hebrew Scriptures.
- Last but not least, pray, pray, pray – at every step