February 2016
Attack Tunnels Need to be Dismantled
Although Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff, Gen. Eisenkot has said that there will be no pre-emptive attack against Gaza and its tunnel building, he has said that it is top priority to dismantle. During Operation Protective Edge, a year and a half ago, many solid, long tunnels were found and destroyed. These tunnels led into Israel and the intent was to hurt and kill civilians. There are hundreds of engineers near the Gaza border using advanced technology to find and destroy these attack tunnels.
Please pray that these attack tunnels are found and that the people of Gaza would stop using their precious supplies for evil but rather to rebuild their infrastructure.
New Israeli Device to See Through Fog
Israel has developed a drone that can see through fog, even up to 12 miles away. Most systems lose their targets through fog but this drone can be used on land and sea and has day/night cameras, radar and infra-red. Israel developed this since so many attacks happen in the early morning when fog is thick. The device can even zero in on “distortion vapors” that occur on hot days. It is sensitive enough to pick up the difference between humans and animals.
Please pray for more technology to be developed to help guard the Land and its people.
Skiing Near Syria
The Golan Heights is a highly strategic area which is kept under strict surveillance straddling Israel and Syria. It is 7,200 feet above sea level and receives lots of snow in the winter. It is an excellent place for skiing and snow fun, in a country known more for its deserts and beaches. On one side, Israelis are skiing and on the other, a war rages, with Damascus only 25 miles away. Often the slopes have to be evacuated because of a misguided shell from the neighboring war. Israeli soldiers are everywhere, keeping watch with binoculars and snow mobiles; the border is just meters away.
Please pray for the war in Syria, right on Israel’s doorstep.
Olmert Admits Wrongdoing
Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, has admitted after years of court proceedings that he is guilty of obstruction of justice. The case involved bribery, taking state funds and allowing property development while in office. He will serve 19 months in prison and pay a large fine. He was recorded by the State witness trying to persuade her not to testify against him, but to lie under oath. He is the first former head of government in Israel to go to prison.
Please pray for our leaders, that they would be trustworthy, above reproach and wise in their dealings.
Stop-and-Frisk Law Passed
Under reasonable suspicion, police are now able to stop someone and frisk them, searching their body and belongings. This is in response to the large number of stabbing attacks and attempts all over the country by people seeking to kill and injure Israelis. The Knesset passed the law under controversy, as it might discriminate against Arabs, Ethiopians and other dark-skinned Jews, but many agreed it will allow the police to more effectively carry out their duties protecting civilians.
Please pray for those seeking to do harm, to be stopped and convinced that violence is not the way to peace.
Blogger’s Censorship
Thirty bloggers and webmasters received orders from the Israeli Defense Forces Communications Department to submit content and articles for censorship before publishing. Many thinking it was a joke found out that because of perilous content being published about the Defense Forces, future weapon acquisition, military subject matter and anti-Israel writings, they now have to seek approval. Israel can severely limit their publishing or ask server providers from other countries to erase their content. It is said that this is in Israel’s best interest.
Please pray for safety and security in cyber world and how far ill-intended remarks about Israel can reach.
Chosen People Ministries Hosts Special Evening for Single Mothers
Just recently we had a special event with single mothers, a night of special food, fun and spending time with each other. A short message was given and we pray that they mothers left refreshed and uplifted with the good food and a good word! Ironically, it fell on Valentine’s Day, but special Chinese food was cooked to celebrate Chinese New Year!