Eight Things About The End Times: A Messianic Jewish Perspective
Course Description
Have you ever looked at the world around you and wondered, “Is this it? Are the End Times upon us?” Fear not, fellow seeker! This course delves into eight key themes of the End Times from a Biblical viewpoint, offering clarity and comfort through the lens of the Word of God. We won’t focus on sensational headlines or finger-pointing. Instead, we’ll explore the prophecies of the Bible.
Whether you’re a seasoned student of scripture or simply curious about what the future holds, this course will equip you with:
Understanding, as we will unpack prophecies, revealing their connection to the restoration of Israel and the ultimate fulfilment of God’s covenants.
Hope: We’ll discover how the End Times usher in not just destruction, but a time of redemption and the long-awaited arrival of Messiah.
So, open your Bibles, and your mind and join us on a journey of exploration. Let’s unlock the mysteries of the End Times together.
Course Outline
By the end of the course we will understand the following eight things about the End Times
Wars and Rumours of Wars
Psalm 83 and The Northern Alliance Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39)
Where does Psalm 83 fit in and what about the Northern Alliance invasion of Israel when will this happen?
Catch-up with the Believers
Harpazo: This Greek word signifies a sudden seizing or snatching away, it refers to believers being caught up to meet Yeshua in the air.
Antichrist rising to Power
Who is he, where does he come from and how will he rise to power, this figure of immense evil, who is prophesied to deceive and rule the world.
Elijah and the Two Witness
Is Elijah coming back himself? And who are these two witnesses, these three prophetic figures who will emerge before and during the time of tribulation, wielding miraculous powers and boldly proclaiming God’s message.
“The temples of God”
Are there still Temples to come, and if so, what does that mean for Yeshua’s final sacrifice… Does the Bible talk about a Third and even Fourth Temple to be built in Jerusalem?
Tribulation and the troubles to come
The period of intense suffering preceding the Messianic Age, often mentioned in the prophets, a global time of turmoil not just for the Jewish people.
Second Coming
The often-ignored side of the Second Coming of Yeshua’s role as judge. This isn’t seen as a vengeful act, but a rectification of wrongs and a pathway to a just world.
8. Messianic Age the Millennial kingdom
Messiah’s Second Coming ushers in the Messianic Age, often referred to as the Millennial Kingdom, though the emphasis is not on the length but on the Ruler, Yeshua, King Messiah. A time of universal peace and justice, where humanity lives in harmony and the Jewish people experience the fullness of God’s promises and covenants.
This course was originally taught on Zoom with sessions recorded.
8 Play on Demand Video Lectures
Unlimited Access & Plays
Cost: $40 standard / $35 concession
Teacher: Paul Cohen
Course Instructor
The course is taught by Paul Cohen. Paul is an experienced biblical studies teacher who has worked with a variety of evangelical missions to the Jewish people in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Paul’s teaching brings a richness and depth to the study of the Bible, drawing on the Jewish background of the Scriptures and shedding light on less well-known books and topics. He is a knowledgeable, gracious and patient teacher who always remains faithful to the Word and his teaching points to Yeshua. Paul teaches at the Western Sydney Bible School and works with the ministry of Celebrate Messiah in Sydney, Australia.
For questions relating to the course please email: [email protected]